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February 05, 2025

Together, let’s bring Anatopik back to life!

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Anatopik celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2024. After several difficult seasons, even years, it is time to write a new chapter… with you.

Once upon a time… a never-ending story.
Yes, the Anatopik saga continues, and it is with you that we will build the sequel.

Thanks to your unwavering support during these trying years, Anatopik was able to weather the storms. You believed in its future and its magic, and today, I want to continue this adventure with you.

For 25 years, my passion for fashion has never left me. More than 20 years after the creation of Anatopik, my desire to offer you unique creations is intact.

Where is the brand today?

Currently, I am offering you some new items made to order, thanks to our new manufacturer in England. However, the models available are mainly reissues or models from their catalog.

To offer you truly new products from Anatopik , it is essential to collaborate again with illustrators to create new designs, and to renew ties with our printers and manufacturers. 

Our partners ready to restart production

  • Portugal : A former partner still holds the patronage of many past collections. 
  • Italy : Our printers and manufacturers are willing to produce small exclusive series. 
  • France/Strasbourg : A local workshop is ready to produce small - medium series on simpler models. 

And after?

We still have so many projects to make a reality! Because we have chosen to believe in it, to not give up... a little magic like a fairy tale and above all not to forget the very atypical slogan of the Anatopik brand:

Anatopik, more than a brand, a state of mind… but also a big family 💗

Join us on Friday, February 14, 2025 at 8 p.m. to discover what lies behind this new stage... It's the meeting place for Anatopik fans and Anatopik lovers on this Valentine's Day!

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1 Response


February 05, 2025

Anatopik est une marque que j’affectionne tout particulièrement et avec qui j’ai partagé tant d’année.
Avec ces motifs originaux et colorés cela égaye notre quotidien.
C’est aussi de belles valeurs celles de vouloir produire en Europe ce qui devient tellement rare malheureusement et un partage dans une communauté de fans qui est animée par le même souhait celui de faire perdurer cette marque qui nous tient tellement à cœur.
Sans oublier que derrière tout cela il y a celle qui porte cette marque à bout de bras toujours motivée, toujours prête à relever de nouveaux défis, toujours souriante et toujours prête à satisfaire les demandes des plus grandes fans.

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